Volume 2 Issue 1
F.A. Benaich1*, M. El Bakkali2, H. Benjellun1
Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) has a strong clinical and social impact affecting the personal, family and working life of the sufferer. The first controlled study of FMS was published by Yunus et al. In Europe, FMS has been estimated to affect approximately 4.7% of the general population. We report a case of 52 year old woman suffered from chronic fatigue for 2 years with widespread pain. Physical examination reveals fibromyalgia syndrome. Complementary tests rule out other etiology. She was treated for her physical abnormality with a significant improvement in her quality of life and had a relief from pain. This study may bring the FMS to clinical consciousness.
Cite this Article: Benaich FA, El Bakkali M, Benjellun H. Fibromyalgia and Dysfunction of Autonomic Nervous System. Int J Case Rep Short Rev. 2016;2(1): 004-010.
Published: 02 November, 2016
Jocelyn Tan-Shalaby*
Existing dietary cancer guidelines focus on maintenance of body weight during cancer treatment. In most cases, there is a push to encourage increased caloric intake, supposedly to counteract the expected weight loss that occurs during cancer treatment. It is perceived that the chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy will increase weight loss in an already catabolic state, and by increasing caloric intake one might somehow maintain health and improve resistance to infection. For years, nutritionists advise patients to increase their caloric food intake and to gain more weight. Despite the strong push,little firm evidence exists to support this way of thinking. There is emerging evidence that dietary changes contrary to this approach can significantly affect cancer growth and metastases.
Cite this Article: Tan-Shalaby J. Ketogenic Diets - Potential Role in Cancer Management. Int J Case Rep Short Rev. 2016;2(1): 001-003.
Published: 08 June, 2016
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