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SciRes Literature has dedicated a platform to publish innovative original and highest quality journals in the research fields of Medicine, Life Science and Pharmacy with an un-restricted access available open to the global audience.
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- Development of a Stationary Chromatography Radionuclide Generator of Technetium-99m
- Considerations on Bat-related Allergy in Humans
- The Impact of Out-of-Pocket Expenditures on Utilization of Health-Care Services in Sudan from 2010 to 2020: A Critical Review
- Pharmacoepidemiology Importance and Applications
- COVID-19 Related Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Mental Status among the People of Rohingya Refugee Camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
- Survey of Relationship between Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Sleep Disorders among Adults in Ahvaz City, Southwestern of Iran
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- Open Access Publishing: The most effective, quality and freely accessible Platform for publishing research work to increase visibility and higher citation rates.
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- Scrupulous Editorial and Double Blind Peer-review: Assured immense quality and double blinded peer review process.
- Swift Production Process: High prevalence of Publishing. Greater research effectiveness through early discussion of results. Cost saving and facility of tracking article.
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