Volume 4 Issue 1
Maheshgir S Gosavi*
Primary Splenic Lymphoma is a rare neoplasm of the spleen, probably comprising less than 2% of all the lymphomas and 1% of all the non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. The true incidence of the disease is difficult to estimate because of the variable de?nitions of the disease. Das Gupta et al. proposed that the diagnosis of Primary Splenic Lymphoma could be made when the disease was con?ned to the spleen or the hilar lymph nodes and that no recurrence of the disease was evident for at least 6 months after splenectomy. The case which is reported here met these strict criteria. The patient is in complete remission one year after the diagnosis. Splenectomy is considered as the most effective Therapy for Primary splenic lymphoma. In this article, we present a rare case of Primary splenic lymphoma in a 60 years old male diabetic patient. The histopathological evaluation of the splenectomy specimen revealed low grade non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. The purpose of this article was to report this rare occurrence of Primary Splenic Lymphoma.
Keywords: Primary Splenic lymphoma; diabetic patient; Non hodgkins lymphoma; splenectomy
Cite this Article: Gosavi MS. Case of Primary Splenic Lymphoma in a Diabetic Patient. Int J Case Rep Short Rev. 2018;4(1): 015-019.
Published: 29 March 2018
Maheshgir S Gosavi*
Ectopic pregnancy is a common medical problem and it pose a serious diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in the obstetrics as the presenting symptoms and signs vary widely between patients. Unilateral twin tubal pregnancy is quite rare with a reported incidence of 1:200 ectopic pregnancies. It was first described in 1891 by De Ott .I present a case of successful management of spontaneous live right tubal ectopic pregnancy with no history of assisted reproductive techninique fertilization or pelvic inflammatory disease . Twin ectopic pregnancy, even though rare, must be looked for on ultrasound scanning with increasing incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease because of the potential mortality and morbidity associated with this condition.
Cite this Article: Gosavi MS. Case of Spontaneous Live Unilateral Tubal Twin Ectopic Gestation. Int J Case Rep Short Rev. 2018;4(1): 012-014.
Published: 21 March 2018
Maheshgir S Gosavi*
Myxoglobulosis, also known as caviar appendix, is an unusual and rare variant of appendix mucocele. I report a case of a 29-year-old woman who presented with a 6 day history of pelvic pain after pelvic ultrasound revealed an enlarged appendix. Mucocele alone does not constitute a rare finding in routine appendectomy. However, the coexistence of multiple small intraluminal globules, described in the past as "frog eggs" or "fish eggs", constitutes a special type of mucocele described as "myxoglobulosis".
Cite this Article: Gosavi MS. Myxoglobulosis of the Appendix: A Rare Cause of Pelvic Pain. Int J Case Rep Short Rev. 2018;4(1): 009-011.
Published: 03 February 2018
Case Report Temporary Pacemaker Induced Ventricular Fibrillations in Cath Lab Due to R on T Phenomenon
Sachin Sondhi*, Rajesh Sharma, Rajeev Merwaha, Kunal Mahajan, Ayushi Mehta and Munish Dev
Temporary pacing is life saving and is established treatment of bradyarrhythmias developed after myocardial infarction. However, under sensing of QRS complex from ischemic area of ventricular cavity leads to inappropriate pacing spike on ST segment or on T wave of intrinsic complex, fall of pacing spike on this vulnerable period leads to induction of life threatening ventricular fibrillations. This phenomenon is known as "R on T phenomenon". We report a case of 56 year male, presented to us with ST segment elevated inferior wall myocardial infarction with right ventricle involvement. After coronary angiography and prior to angioplasty, temporary pacemaker inserted and just after pacemaker insertion, he suddenly developed ventricular fibrillations. After getting reverted to sinus rhythm for few seconds with DC shock, these VF episodes were reoccurring at frequent intervals. On analyzing electrocardiogram on monitor, it was thought that temporary pacemaker was the culprit for this life threatening arrhythmia because of R on T phenomenon and pacemaker was turned off. After that he didn't get any further episode of VF and successful PTCA of right coronary artery was performed.
Cite this Article: Sachin S, Rajesh S, Rajeev M, Kunal M, Mehta A, et al. Temporary Pacemaker Induced Ventricular Fibrillations in Cath Lab Due to R on T Phenomenon. Int J Case Rep Short Rev. 2018;4(1): 006-008.
Published: 29 January 2018
Maheshgir S Gosavi*
A heterotopic pregnancy is defined as the presence of a concomitant intrauterine and extra-uterine pregnancy. Its estimated incidence is 1/30,000 in spontaneous pregnancies. I present three cases of spontaneous coincidental intra and extra-uterine pregnancy. In the first case, heterotopic pregnancy with intrauterine contraceptive device. The second case spontaneously heterotopic pregnancy with ovarian mass. Third case of spontaneous triplet heterotrophic gestation.
These cases highlight the fact that as clinicians, we should be aware of the possibility of a heterotopic pregnancy in any patient presenting with pelvic pain, even when an intrauterine pregnancy has been confirmed. This is even more imperative after induction of ovulation by drugs or artificial reproductive techniques. I would also like to emphasise that an early diagnosis is critical to safeguard the intrauterine pregnancy and avoid maternal morbidity and mortality due to the ectopic pregnancy
Cite this Article: Gosavi MS. Unusual Heterotopic Pregnancy Report of Three Cases. Int J Case Rep Short Rev. 2018;4(1): 001-005.
Published: 19 January 2018
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