American Journal of Clinical & Medical Images (AJCMI) is an Open Access peer reviewed, online publishing journal to spread the knowledge of imaging sciences enabling the radiologists to clearly understand to practice, promote and concept the technical innovations and further research.
American Journal of Clinical & Medical Images provides a platform for securing visual images concerning medical cases experienced by physicians in all medical subspecialties for better understanding of the immunology, management, disease diagnosis and therapeutic strategies to provide important practice messages which directly increase the global health outcomes.
Aims and Scope
AJCMI aimed to publish original works on Spine MRI, Magnetic Resonance Angiography, MR Arthrography, General Whole Body MRI imaging, Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) but not restricted to the below mentioned areas on images related to Chest MRI, Breast MRI, Musculoskeletal MRI, Shoulder MRI, Knee MRI, MRI Prostate, MR Angiography of Limb Vessels, MR Urography, MR venography, Cytology & Histology Images, Oncology Images, Diagnostic Method Images, Immunology Images, Ophthalmology Images, Forensic Science Images, Clinical Case Images, Chemotherapy Images, Transplantation images, etc.
Article Types
American Journal of Clinical & Medical Images publishes Original Research Articles, Clinical Trials, Reviews, Editorials, Case Report, Short Communication, Letter to the editor, Opinion, Book Reviews and other special featured articles related to the field on medical & clinical classifications in a short span of time and spreading of novel interventions and discoveries.
Please share your manuscript through online platform: online submission or as an E-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at [email protected] (or) [email protected]
Scope Keywords
American Journal of Clinical & Medical Images covers all topics related to
- CT Pulmonary Angiogram
- Iodine Map
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Perfusion Defect
- Tracheal Stent
- Computed Tomography
- HCC (Hepatocellular Cancer)
- Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI)
- Magnetic Nanoparticles (MNPs)
- Signal Filtering
- Image Quality
- Image Acquisition
- Image Data Storage
- Image Data Communication
- Image Processing
- Electronic Image Applications
- Phantom
- Crown Rump Length
- Gestational Age
- Transcerebellar Diameter
- Computed Tomography
- CT-Fluoroscopy
- Ultrasound
- Transthoracic Needle Aspiration
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Diuretic Renogram
- Antegrade Pyelography
- Renal Transplant
- Surgical Complications
- Diffusion
- Image Visualization
- Cancer Rectum
- Tumor Staging
- Cardiac CT
- Coronary CT Angiography
- Radiation Protection
- X-Ray Room Access Control
- Optimization
- Breast MRI
- Chest MRI
- Musculoskeletal MRI
- Knee MRI
- Shoulder MRI
- MRI Prostate
- MR Urography
- MR Angiography of Limb Vessels
- MR Venography, Cytology & Histology Images
- Diagnostic Method Images
- Oncology Images
- Immunology Images
- Forensic Science Images
- Clinical Case Images
- Ophthalmology Images
- Chemotherapy Images
- Transplantation Images
Authors submit all Proposals and manuscripts via Electronic Form!