Volume 4 Issue 1
Case Report: Two Cases of Hemorrhagic Stroke Following Snake Bite in Kara Teaching Hospital in a Semi Rural Area in Togo
Kumako VK*, N'Timon B, Apetse K, Guinhouya KM, Agba L Th, Assogba K, Belo M and Balogou AK
Introduction: Envenomation is a public health problem in developing countries. Neurovascular complications are not exceptional.
Observations: We report two cases of hemorrhagic stroke which complicate an envenomation treated late.
The first patient was 27 years old woman, who had been admitted for right hemiparesis and aphasia two weeks after a viperidae bite. She was then treated with polyvalent antivenom (FAV-Afrique®).
The second patient was 31 years old man who was treated three days after the envenomation with a first dose of polyvalent antivenom (FAV-Afrique�). Twelve days later he presented left hemiparesis. He then received a second dose of polyvalent antivenom (FAV-Afrique�) because of supposed inefficiency of the first dose.
Both patients presented hemorrhagic stroke on CT-scan. They received symptomatic treatment with re-education. The outcome was favorable for both.
Conclusion: The morbidity and mortality related to envenomation by snake bite remains high in our environments. The neurovascular complications of these bites are often severe. Prevention by raising the awareness of target populations and better organization of our health systems will reduce the incidence and complications of these envenomation.
Cite this Article: Kumako VK, N'Timon B, Apetse K, Guinhouya KM, Agba L Th, et al. Two Cases of Hemorrhagic Stroke Following Snake Bite in Kara Teaching Hospital in a Semi Rural Area in Togo. Sci J Neurol Neurosurg. 2018;4(1): 001-004.
Published: 17 April 2018
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