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Moawia M. Al-Tabakha

Moawia M. Al-Tabakha

Ajman University, United Arab Emirates

Dr. Moawia Al-Tabakha completed B. Pharmacy degree from Andhra University in late 1995 graduating with first class. In April 2000, he received PhD in Pharmaceutical Technology from University of Wales, UK. Since then, he worked academically in different Universities across the Middle East with over 17 years of experience. Dr. Moawia currently serves as the Head of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Ajman University, UAE. He published several research papers related to his field in peer-reviewed journals and refereed several manuscripts for renowned journals. He also serves in the editorial board of some peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Moawia Al-Tabakha received several research awards including one from the Al Ain University of Science and Technology in 2014 for his research achievement. He was also awarded for his professional poster at DUPHAT 2012 conference. His researches are related to the area of drug formulation, delivery and characterization and those related to pharmacy practice.

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