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Vincenzo Guarino

Vincenzo Guarino

National Research Council of Italy, Italy

Dr. Vincenzo Guarino, PhD in Materials Science and Biomaterials. is Researcher Scientist at the National Research Council of Italy - Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials, Naples. His main research interests include scaffold design for tissue engineering and the optimization of electrohydrodynamic technologies (i.e, electrospinning, electrospraying, Electro Dynamic Atomization) for the fabrication of micro/nanofibres, particles and capsules in tissue regeneration, drug delivery and cancer therapy. He is involved in national and international projects with research institutes, universities and R&D companies, as scientific responsible and/or supervisor of ESR fellows or PhD students. He gave also invited lectures and chaired scientific sessions at international conferences, workshops and seminars, receiving awards as author/co-author of papers on biomaterials science and technology. He is also member of international scientific committees and editorial boards of international journals He is author/co-author of about 80 international publications, 15 chapters in International books, 2 patents and over 200 contributions to international/national conferences

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