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Maria Antonella De Donno

Maria Antonella De Donno

University of Salento, Italy

Maria Antonella De Donno, born in Otranto (LE) on 19/12/1964, graduated with honors in Biological Sciences and specialized in Microbiology and Virology. From 01/01/2001 he is a Confirmed Researcher for the SS42 MED42 c / o the Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies of the University of Salento. From 1989 to today he carries out c / o the Hygiene Lab of the University of Salento research activity in the field of the epidemiology of infectious diseases and of the Microbiology applied to Environmental Hygiene. The research activity develops on thematic areas related to the study and development of the most effective primary prevention strategies for infectious diseases and chronic degenerative diseases. In particular, the areas of activity concern the study of biomarkers of early biological effect in response to environmental pollutants; the application of analytical and experimental epidemiological studies of human health and environment interaction and assessment of health risk for exposure in contaminated areas; molecular epidemiology applied to the prevention of infectious and chronic-degenerative diseases. In the field of Environmental Hygiene deals with the development and standardization of molecular biology methods for virus detection in environmental matrices; - the hygienic-sanitary quality criteria of marine-coastal waters, surface waters and groundwater through the experimentation of new microbiological parameters. He is full professor in the SSD MED / 42. In 2005 she was the scientific head of the Local Research Unit of the PRIN entitled: Molecular epidemiological surveillance of rotavirus infection in Salento.

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