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Author Feedback

Pablo Colunga-Salas

Pablo Colunga-Salas

National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

Ph.D. with interest in the ecology of populations of terrestrial mammals as hosts of infectious zoonotic agents. He has directed multiple graduate and undergraduate theses on the role of vertebrates as hosts for zoonotic bacteria and viruses. He is Lecturer of Ecology at the undergraduate level at Science School, UNAM, Mexico; and of Vector-borne Diseases in the graduate program in Biomedical Sciences, UNAM, Mexico. He has made two academic stays at Cornell University, NY. He has also taken various courses on mammalian ecology, population ecology, and tick taxonomy. Has 18 publications in indexed international journals, 3 in peer-reviewed journals, and two book chapters, all on emerging and re-emerging diseases in wild animals in Mexico.

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