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Author Feedback

Poyan Barabari

Poyan Barabari

University College London, UK

A hard working team player dentist with broad theoretical and practical knowledge in effective dental care procedures who has an excellent communication skills and can relate well to patients. I would describe myself as a confident heath care professional who has a long track record of diagnosing and treating a wide range of patients with various dental needs in the primary and secondary care setting. My postgraduate experience and training including the DClinDent Prosthodontics programme has equipped me with the key features that a specialist clinician would benefit from. This programme includes a research dissertation project of a weighting equivalent to that of an MPhil. Therefore, I managed to improve my research skills and develop the understanding around different aspects of clinical and non-clinical research as well as critically appraise the relevant literature around the subject. I have been able to carry on and presented large number of critical appraisals and evidence based lectures through analysing and criticizing classics and current literature in the field of restorative and prosthetic dentistry. This unique and extremely demanding programme requires a huge commitment from the individual in all aspects of professional development. It is designed to provide the individual with the skills and qualifications that would be consistent with that of a clinical specialist in the field of prosthodontics alongside a robust knowledge and research skill base. I would also consider myself to have significant experience of designing and piloting research projects, data collection and analysis in the field of clinical dentistry as well as patient-centred studies. I have also improved my digital and IT skills in various packages including Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Review Manager and SPSS.

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