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Author Feedback

Richard Kones

Richard Kones

Cardiometabolic Research Institute, USA

Richard Kones MD, PhD, FAHA, FESC, FRSM, FRSH, FCCP, AGSF, FRSB attended NYU School of Medicine, completed training in New York, continued a NIH Fellowship in cardiology at Tulane University School of Medicine, and worked at the Charity Hospital and Veterans Administration Hospital in New Orleans. He began research on the prevention of loss of heart muscle, atherosclerosis, and chronic diseases. Recent research has focused on revascularization in diabetes, prevention of chronic cardiometabolic diseases and related evidence-based interventions to improve clinical outcomes. During the course of his academic career he has had several teaching appointments, and received scholarships, awards, and grants. His work includes over 125 publications in peer-reviewed medical journals, 6 books, presentations, and lectures. He serves as Fellow/member in various key medical organizations and societies, peer reviews and volunteers as a mentor and educator.  Over the years Dr. Kones’ biography has appeared in a number of editions of Who’s Who and other biographical registries. The American Physiological Society has recognized Dr. Kones for sustained years of active service, as did the American College of Sports Medicine with a commemorative award.  He also is an active advocate of many major public health advocacy initiatives. He is an enthusiastic Fellow, advocate and mentor for the American Heart Association. The American Physiological Society has recognized Dr Kones for sustained years of active service, as did the American College of Sports Medicine with a commemorative award.  He is a supporter of, and volunteer in, the American Heart Association’s Advocacy Program. Finally, Dr. Kones has been active in the nutrition community, having been member and serving on committees, councils, sections, and working groups in The Nutrition Society (London), American Society of Nutrition, American College of Nutrition (Fellow) and International College of Nutrition (Fellow). Recent research spans diverse topics of current interest including coronary revascularization and .  With a broad based scholarly background in medicine, Dr. Kones brings vast academic, clinical, investigative, and editorial expertise to this journal. 

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