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Peer-Review Guidelines

Peer review plays a vital role in the SciRes Literature. All articles are evaluated by a double-blind peer-review process. Peer review is the process of quality checking and scrutinizing process by which a submitted manuscript or content by an author is checked by the experts in the similar fields of the journals. Peer review process will not allow low quality scientific articles to reach scientific community. In this process, Editors or Reviewers will analyze the content of the article from every point of view before accepted for publication including its discoveries, innovations and its impact and significance. The content which is submitted to the SciRes literature has to go through peer review in order to be checked and published in SciRes literature.

Benefits of Peer Review system

Peer Review system provides the authors with a benefit where their content is examined without any charge by the board members to check if the article has fulfilled the specific standards.

Peer review procedure provides you with some advantages which include enriching and enhancing the quality of the article, The article must be peer reviewed and evaluated for publication according to the following dimensions: checking out the mistakes and errors in your entire content which might have been missed by you, authenticating the fact that your journal or manuscript is not plagiarized and is the end product of your efforts only. Thus, the Peer Review system effectively polishes your raw article and makes it more acceptable to the scientific society.

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