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Michael Benzaquen

Michael Benzaquen

Aix-Marseille University, France


Dr. Michael Benzaquen completed medical education at the Faculty of Medicine of Marseille, Aix-Marseille University (Marseille, France), and ranked first among 3000 students in the first year of medical school. He then completed his residency in Dermatology at Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Marseille, before a fellowship in the department of Dermatology at Hôpital Nord de Marseille. His professional experiences abroad in Columbia University (New York City, USA) and Inselspital - University Hospital of Bern (Bern, Switzerland) improved his clinical skills and knowledge in Dermatology, as well as his success in ECFMG certification. He graduated from several inter-university diplomas in Internal Medicine, Pediatric Dermatology, Dermatological Laser and Dermatological Surgery. As an active member of the French Society of Dermatology and the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, he is invited as speaker in many international congresses. His works have been published in international peer-reviewed journals. He notably investigated about infectious diseases with cutaneous manifestations (Dirofilariasis, Nocardiosis, syphilis, scabies), as well as systemic and inflammatory diseases (dermatomyositis, vasculitis, pyoderma gangrenosum, bullous pemphigoid).

Research Interest:
Systemic and infectious diseases with cutaneous manifestations; Dermatological laser; Dermatological surgery

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