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SciRes Literature main aim is to enhance the importance of science and technology to the scientific community and also to provide an equal opportunity to seek and share ideas to all our researchers and scientists without any barriers to develop their career and helping in their development of discovering the world.

Author Feedback

Plagiarism Policy

SciRes Literature. is part of CrossCheck, an initiative to assist editors to validate the originality of submitted articles. As part of this procedure, manuscripts are scanned and compared with the CrossCheck database.

Plagiarism is when an author attempts to steal of or pass off another person's work and ideas as his/her own. Sometimes, duplicate publication called self-plagiarism will happen when an author reuses the content of one's own published work without citing the appropriate references. This can vary from getting a similar paper published in many journals, where contributors can add small amounts of new and novel data to a previous article.

Plagiarism Prior Publishing

SciRes Literature. journals will evaluate any case of duplication or plagiarism on its limits. If plagiarism is identified by the editor-in-chief, reviewer and editor etc., at any step of article before or after peer review process and acceptance in that case we will alert the author(s) and will request them to rewrite the content in the article or to cite the references from where the content has been copied. If more than 30% of the content is plagiarized, the article may be suggested to rewrite or rejected and the same is informed to the author.

When does the plagiarism check complete?

All the manuscripts submitted for publication are checked for plagiarism within 24 hours.

How do we handle the plagiarism?

The articles in which the plagiarism is identified are handled based on the percentage of the plagiarism. >5%

The article will be given a Reference ID and is submitted to an author for content rewriting.

5- 30% Plagiarism: The article will not be given a Reference ID and submit back to the contributor for content revision.

30% Plagiarism: The manuscript will be rejected without the review process. The authors are requested to revise and resubmit the manuscript.

Why article with >30% plagiarism is rejected

Plagiarism is detected if greater than 30%, it is found that the authors are pleased to rewrite the article and submit the revised paper. However, we welcome the authors to do the required modification and resubmit the manuscript as a new submission.

What can you do if you come across a plagiarism in any journal?

If you notice any case of plagiarism in any journal and publisher, kindly intimate the editorial office(s) of all the concerned journals, providing them the title of papers, name of the journals, name of authors, volume number, issue number, year of publication and any additional information that you have. The editorial offices will handle as per their strategy.

What can you do if plagiarism identified after publication?

In case if a plagiarism comes to light after publication of the article in SciRes Literature. journals; the journal will perform a preliminary investigation. If plagiarism is identified, the editorial team will contact the authors/ author's institute and funding agencies. We request the contributor to note the plagiarism and to grant a reference to the plagiarized content. The paper consists of plagiarism will also be highlighted on the PDF. Depending on the percentage of the plagiarism, the article may also be formally rejected.

Submission of Original and Unpublished Article

The submitted articles should be an original and unpublished and are not under consideration anywhere and in any journals; including duplicate publication of the contributor's own work, in a whole or in part without suitable citation is not accepted by the journal. Submitted manuscripts to the journal will be possibly checked for originality using anti-plagiarism software.

Misrepresenting the ideas, words, scientific terminology, patents and other creative expression as one's own work. It stands for the violation of copyright law. Plagiarism appears in various forms.

Copying the same matter from the other sources. Copying elements of another author's articles, such as tables, figures, equations or illustrations that are not common or copying or using sentences purposefully without citing the sources.

Using text downloaded or copying from other websites.

Copying or downloading tables, figures, photographs and diagrams without acknowledging your sources.

If author need to use content from the others work then it is mandatory to cite the same paper in references. Else, the author needs to change the complete language and use his/ her own language.

Acknowledging contributor(s) sources

Self-plagiarism is a closely related topic. In this document we define self-plagiarism as the verbatim or near-verbatim reuse of significant portions of one's own copyrighted work without citing the original work. Self-plagiarism does not related to publications based on the contributor's own previously published and copyrighted work (e.g., visible in a conference proceedings) where a clear reference is prepared to the prior publication.

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