License: Creative Commons License Open Access by Scientific Journal of Clinical Research in Dermatology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at SciRes Literature..

Manuscript should be submitted in Word Document (.doc or .docx) through online form or can be mailed to the particular journal's E-mail ID or to [email protected], [email protected]


We publish a wide range of article types in the Medical and Clinical Groups.

Our Vision

SciRes Literature main aim is to enhance the importance of science and technology to the scientific community and also to provide an equal opportunity to seek and share ideas to all our researchers and scientists without any barriers to develop their career and helping in their development of discovering the world.

Author Feedback


What is Open Access?

It is a platform to contribute your articles and journals. Through this Open Access, everyone can visit the website, see your work and go through the content.

How can i submit my Article?

You can submit your article through "Online Manuscript Submission form" by attaching your manuscript or by sending to [email protected], [email protected]

What is Peer Review System?

Peer Review System is the process by which the members /experts who are specialists in the same field of education as yours will review your manuscript before it is checked and accepted by the Editorial Board.

Do you really go through all the content in the articles?

Yes, we do. At SciRes Literature., we believe that each and every individual has some knowledge and we really grateful for your effort of submitting contents to our website.

How do I know that my article is accepted for publication or rejected?

We know how hard you have been working for your article. Hence, even if we reject your work, you will receive a confirmation mail from us explaining why we rejected your article.

How do you select your editors and reviewers?

We look for people who are educated and experienced in several fields as well as scientists who have the broad knowledge of the subject matter. At the same time, we ask other members of the website who have specific knowledge in the subject matter to go through the articles you have submitted. This process is known as double blind peer review system.

How many days do you require to publish an article?

This will be completely depends on different factors such as the Editor's availability subject and also the length of the article.

What are the benefits, if I join as a reviewer?

When you join SciRes Literature as a Reviewer, We will provide a certificate at the end of the year. At the same time, if you can contribute a good work with us, you will be eligible for certain awards selected by the Editors/Editor-in-Chief.

Will there be an extra publication charges if I use colors or have an article which is lengthy?

No, we believe in sharing knowledge. Hence, you can use anything you like as it is related to your subject matter.

What should I do as an Editor?

If you join as an editor for SciRes Literature your tasks will involve but will not be limited to the following:

  • Review the manuscripts and journals in the initial stage.
  • Assigning the articles to potential reviewers for the peer review system.
  • Manage the review process from starting till the article is accepted for publication.
  • Make sure that the quality of the content in the article is maintained.
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