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Author Feedback

Arianna Smerieri

Arianna Smerieri

University of Parma, Italy

Dr. Smerieri began her research and training activities at the Center for Sleep Disorders at Parma University in 1994, as an intern undergraduate student at the Faculty of Biological Sciences. She received her Master Degree in Biology at the University of Parma in 1998 and her PhD in Physiopathology of Sleep at the University of Genova in 2003.
D. Smerieri acquired a consolidated experience on the scoring of macrostructural and microstructural polysomnographic parameters of sleep recordings from both normal individuals and patients with sleep-related disorders, while at the Center for Sleep Disorders, where she participated in pioneering the identification and coding of cyclic alternating patterns (CAP). She worked on a dedicated software for automatic CAP analysis, which started while she was a Visiting Scholar at the Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon University, where she contributed to the set-up and improvement of the program. She started the collaboration with the Department of Paediatrics  in 2008, and she focused her research interests in the role of growth factors under the supervision of Dr Maria E Street. She was then invited to join the staff at the Dental School, University of Parma, in 2013, where she became Head of Technical Staff and Lab tutor for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. She joined the Laboratory for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering where she worked on cell responses to biomaterials and pioneered the use of aptamers to enrich implantable scaffolds for tissue regeneration. She was instrumental to the launch of a spin-off company, ART – Apta Regenerative Technologies S.r.l. and she was awarded the 2nd place at the startup competition ItaliaCamp Call for Ideas in 2015. She is currently Research Associate and Lecturer in the fields of Scientific Writing, Statistical Data Analysis and Tissue Regeneration at the Degree programs in Dentistry and in Health Biotechnologies, at the University of Parma.

Technical Skills: Cell culture techniques; Primary cell cultures; DNA extraction, ELISA, Protein extraction and electrophoresis (Western blotting), extraction and purification of messenger RNA; PCR, RT-PCR, scanning densitometry analysis, basics of quantitative real-time RT-PCR.

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