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Author Feedback

Jin Seop Bak

Jin Seop Bak

KAIST, South Korea

Jin Seop Bak has a college degree in Yonsei Univ. (senior admissions), a PhD in Korea Univ. with top honors, and a LittD/ScD in Cambridge IBC (in England). He was the Project Leader in Faculty of KAIST, where he conducts his research activity. He was appointed to the post of Secretary-General (especially in UCC), Professor, Director General (for Asia), and Adviser in IBC. He also worked as a researcher/scholar especially in UC Berkeley (conditionally), MIT (conditionally), Korea Univ. (e.g., Institute of Life Science and Natural Resources), Seoul National Univ. (e.g., Center for Agricultural Biomaterials), KRIBB, IPET, and KIMST. In Korea Univ., Prof. Bak played a key role in teaching Physical Chemistry lectures. He is a leading member of a large number of academies (as the recipient/nominate of numerous awards; BioMedLib's TOP 20 etc.) and nonprofit/profit organizations (e.g., Mensa, KUAA, IBA, MOIF, UCC, COEI, WCOIM, and IBC etc.). His main area of investigation is Life/Natural/Applied Sciences at up/down level. He has achieved many research publications with highly citation index, 2 patents, 13 grants and has made a big number of communications in scientific events. He is a reviewer of more than 31 international journals, and member of 18 editorial boards. He has been cited especially in Marquis Who's Who (with several awards; e.g., Albert Nelson Award etc.) and IBC (with numerous awards; e.g., TOP 100 and Hall of Fame etc.).

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