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Author Feedback

Khalid Zaki Elwakeel

Khalid Zaki Elwakeel

 University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Khalid Z. Elwakeel, who holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Physical Chemistry; He has thirty five research articles published in the international journals as well as three books. Elwakeel reviewed more than 370 research article for 80 international journals in the field of environmental research and also a member of the editorial board of some journals. Elwakeel is the associate professor of the environmental chemistry at Port Said University. Currently; He works as associate professor at Jeddah University, Saudi Arabia.
In addition to the academic and research experience, Elwakeel has practical experience in drinking water companies (private and governmental), and he worked for four years as an inspector for the drinking water quality and efficiency of sewage treatment in the Egyptian water and wastewater regulatory Agency.

Elwakeel is the recipient of the Egyptian Encouragement Prize in Chemical Sciences. Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt, the Misr El-Kheir Award for the best publication (2013) and the Award of professor, Dr. Faiza Al-Kharafi in the field of basic science (2010). His biography was nominated to appear in the “Who's Who in the World 2011(28th Edition).


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