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We publish a wide range of article types in the Medical and Clinical Groups.

Our Vision

SciRes Literature main aim is to enhance the importance of science and technology to the scientific community and also to provide an equal opportunity to seek and share ideas to all our researchers and scientists without any barriers to develop their career and helping in their development of discovering the world.

Author Feedback

Editor Guidelines

SciRes Literature. is intended to provide all our readers by publishing innovative and quality research material because of its editorial board. SciRes Literature. is welcoming all the leading professionals researchers, professors, scientists, medical practitioners to join us and become a part of our international open access online publication that are effective to explore the various fields of medical, clinical and pharma sciences and help us ensure the quality in all the articles published and overall content of the journal in SciRes Literature.

Editor/Editor-in- Chief should improve the standard and quality of a publication and also entire content of the journal; rendering invaluable services to our journals through their eminence in research & proficiency in their respective field.

Editorial Board plays a crucial role in maintaining the roles and responsibilities in helping the publisher to maintain the journal's quality towards serving the scientific community.

The editors are responsible for the manuscripts getting published in the journals. To improve the review process of the journal, the editor should actively explore the vision of editorial board members, reviewers and authors.

Editors should take responsibility to assign reviewers out of the peer review team for each journal to new manuscripts submitted to concerned journals. If you are busy with your prior commitments and your unavailability to handle the article assigned to you, you should inform the editorial board about your inaccessibility. So, this enables to allocate the same article to another editor having similar research interest.

  • Editors are requested to assign manuscripts to at least three reviewers received from the editorial office to review the article. They can inform their unavailability to editorial office and also if the editors are busy.
  • Editor should be able to decide whether a submitted article is suitable for the journal or not and ensures feedback provided to authors is beneficial, fair, and timely.
  • Make sure that the content provided in the manuscript is original and is not plagiarized.
  • Contribute editorials or any type of articles (every 3 months) based on their research interest for the Regular or Special issue release.
  • Make sure high-quality content in the journal through a professional network or through referral of experts (friends/colleagues) in your network to the journal.
  • Editors should perform an ultimate quality check of all manuscripts once they have been reviewed and published by the editorial board.
  • Ensure that the peer review process is completed within the given timeline (10 days) and that you handle all correspondences with the editorial board in a suitable manner.
  • Express new and innovative ideas or suggestions to improve the standards of the journal which leads us in a better direction and also help us to provide our users' even better services.
  • Editors should maintain friendly contact with the other fellow editors and reviewers for the journal's growth.
  • Maintaining the track of the complete peer review and ensure that quality standards are met at all times.
  • Editors are flexible to process a given number of manuscripts and free to work according to his interest and prior commitments.
  • Editor should ensure compliance with data protection policies and confidentiality ethics for any information provided by the author about test subjects or patients; you will need to make sure that the author also secures their consent.
  • Editor should be an unbiased manner to gender, political beliefs, religious beliefs, sexual orientation of the authors.
  • Maintain communication with the editorial office and the review team to avoid delay in the process of publishing.
  • Make decisions to accept or reject a manuscript to publish in journals only with the article originality, clarity, significance and relevance to the journal.

Our Benefits

Benefits as an Editor for SciRes literature journals

  • Certificate of appreciation from SciRes literature, honored by the Editor-in-Chief at the end of the year.
  • Editors will be given top priority in all the events organized by SciRes Literature.
  • Recognition as an editor for SciRes literature Open Access journal Editorial Team page.
  • At the end of the year, active editor should be promoted as Editor-in-Chief for each and every journal
  • Waiver on processing fee for the non-funded articles.
  • Based on the active participation and their experience, we will promote the editors as Executive Editors and Senior Editors.
  • Promoting all the manuscripts that are published by the Editors in our journals, in various social networking groups and Google Scholar, and also increasing visibility for their articles.

We firmly believe that editors can assist ensure this vision. If you are interested in serving us create a better platform for researchers, kindly join us at: [email protected]. We will respond to you within 24-48 hours.

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