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Author Feedback

Irene Iglesias Martín

Irene Iglesias Martín

National Institute of Agriculture Research of Spain, Spain

PhD in veterinary epidemiology from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), specialized in conventional and spatial epidemiology applied to animal health. For the last 12 years my R&D activity has been focused on the epidemiological studies of infectious diseases relevant to animal health, especially at the livestock-wildlife interface. The ultimate goal of this research has been to improve knowledge of the behavior of the diseases in order to better design contingency plans related to prevention, surveillance, and control of diseases. The results of which have been applied at national and international level in the improvement of surveillance and control plans of diseases relevant to animal health such as highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), African swine fever (ASF), Aujezky disease, foot and mouth disease and Newcastle disease.
My R+D activities developed include: participation in 17 international or national projects, 31 scientific or technical  publications and books, 4 residencies in prestigious national and international research groups in animal health, collaboration with 18 national or international research groups, 55 national or international congress, technological transfer work, teaching work to national and international personal of sectoral and ministerial health workers and companies, production scientific-technical reports (19), tutoring students and the creation of a scientific consulting company in epidemiology of animal health.

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