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Author Feedback

Editorial Board

Herbert E Kaufman
Herbert E Kaufman
Louisiana State University, USA Biography
Ye Sun
Ye Sun
Harvard Medical School, USA Biography
  Sriniwas Sriram
Sriniwas Sriram
Harvard Medical School, USA Biography
 Peter Koulen
Peter Koulen
University of Missouri, USA Biography
 Bruce I Gaynes
Bruce I Gaynes
Loyola University Chicago, USA Biography
Gregory I Liou
Gregory I Liou
Georgia Regents University, USA Biography
 Nicky R Holdeman
Nicky R Holdeman
University of Houston, USA Biography
 Angele Nalbandian
Angele Nalbandian
University of California, USA Biography
Hui Lin Johns
Hui Lin Johns
Hopkins University, USA Biography
Christophe P Ribelayga
Christophe P Ribelayga
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston , USA Biography
Jun Yamada
Jun Yamada
Meiji University, Japan Biography
Young Seok Song
Young Seok Song
Asahikawa Medical University, Japan Biography
 Tatsuya Mimura
Tatsuya Mimura
Tokyo Womens Medical University, Japan Biography
Hidenaga Kobashi
Hidenaga Kobashi
Kitasato University, Japan Biography
Jin Ma
Jin Ma
Sun Yat Sen University, China Biography
  Bo Lei
Bo Lei
Chongqing Medical University, China Biography
Shaochong Zhang
Shaochong Zhang
Sun Yat-sen University, China Biography
Zhenwei Song
Zhenwei Song
University of North Carolina, China Biography
Hua Yan
Hua Yan
Tianjin Medical University, China Biography
Yuan Lei
Yuan Lei
Fudan University, China Biography
Xiaogang Wang
Xiaogang Wang
Shanxi Eye Hospital, China Biography
 Xinyuan Zhang
Xinyuan Zhang
Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, China Biography
Raymond Chuen Chung Chang
Raymond Chuen Chung Chang
University of Hong Kong, China Biography
Alfonso Casado Rojo
Alfonso Casado Rojo
Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal, Spain Biography
Joel Hanhart
Joel Hanhart
Hebrew University,, Israel Biography
Francesco Parmeggiani
Francesco Parmeggiani
University of Ferrara, Italy Biography
 Leopoldo Spadea
Leopoldo Spadea
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Biography
 Settimio Rossi
Settimio Rossi
Second University of Naples, Guatemala Biography
  Bing Mu
Bing Mu
National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan Biography
 Li Hui Ju
Li Hui Ju
China Medical University, Taiwan Biography
 Hui Ju Lin
Hui Ju Lin
China Medical University, Taiwan Biography
 Nan Kai Wang
Nan Kai Wang
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan Biography
Mohammad Naderan
Mohammad Naderan
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Taiwan Biography
Ana IM Miguel
Ana IM Miguel
Polyclinic Bay Avranches in Normandy, France Biography
   Jagat R Kanwar
Jagat R Kanwar
Deakin University, Australia Biography
   Erwin van Wijk
Erwin van Wijk
Radboud University Medical Center, Netherlands Biography
Argyrios Tzamalis
Argyrios Tzamalis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Biography
Ivo Filipe Oliveira Pereira Gama
Ivo Filipe Oliveira Pereira Gama
University of Lisbon, Portugal Biography
Malgorzata Mrugacz
Malgorzata Mrugacz
Medical University of Bialystok, Poland Biography
Rasmus Soegaard Hansen
Rasmus Soegaard Hansen
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Biography
  Yau Kei CHAN
Yau Kei CHAN
University of Hong Kong,, Hong Kong Biography
Soumendra Sahoo
Soumendra Sahoo
Melaka Manipal Medical College, Malaysia Biography
 Christos Skevas
Christos Skevas
University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf, Germany Biography
Damian Czepita
Damian Czepita
Pomeranian Medical University, Poland Biography
 Lasse Jorgensen Cehofski
Lasse Jorgensen Cehofski
Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark Biography
 Ioannis Mavrikakis
Ioannis Mavrikakis
Athens Eye Hospital, Greece Biography
  Ioannis Eleyftherios Katsimpris
Ioannis Eleyftherios Katsimpris
General Hospital of Patras Agios Andreas, Greece Biography
   Kemal Tekin
Kemal Tekin
Ulucanlar Eye Training and Research Hospital, Turkey Biography
Jamal H. Bleik
Jamal H. Bleik
Lebanese American University Medical Center, Lebanon Biography
Bugra Karasu
Bugra Karasu
Medicine Faculty of Gaziantep University, Turkey Biography
Maria Piagkou
Maria Piagkou
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Biography
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